Chipping Sparrow Biscornest
You might be asking yourself - just what is a biscornest? Well, birds being our thing here, it’s our version of a biscornu - a small, palm of the hand sized, embroidered pillow, used as a pin cushion or as an ornament. Since we are known for realistic and detailed birds our little biscornest is no exception to that rule. It is a representation of a nest and eggs of an actual bird, in this case the Chipping Sparrow. Accompanying it, appropriately, is a design of that sparrow, a head study, with instructions to stitch and assemble as a matching scissor fob.
This is the first in what we are planning on being a series of nest bisconus.
Good Stitching,
Paula and Dan
the hand-dyed fabric
interests you, check out that page on this site. We've added three
new colors, and though we have yet to do specific designs for all
of them, there are many other designs out there just crying out
for that special piece of fabric.